Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jake Fischer's North Phoenix Typewriter Presentation

Local typewriter collector Jake Fischer os hosting a presentation on typewriters called "21st Century Typewriting" on February 21st from 2:00pm to 3:00pm at the north Valley Regional Library.

I have not had the pleasure of meeting Jake in person, but we exchange email messages and he is a very entrepreneurial young typewriter and collector who has impressed me greatly. I am very interested in hearing what he has to say. For your mapping needs here is the address to the North Valley Regional Library:
Anthem, AZ 85086

When I get a flier or other details I will happily post them here.

Friday, January 30, 2015

They Came in the Post

Last night as the rain started to fall I heard a knock at the door. I looked through the peep hole and I was surprised to see three packages. I had heard that these three packages would be coming my way from Alabama. Tim had mentioned it in his email.

I loaded the boxes into my car and drove them to school. What could be inside?

The excitement is palpable.

An Olivetti...

an Olympia...

and another Olympia.

It's raining right now, but in my classroom it's raining typewriters. More on these great typewriters very soon.