Showing posts with label revisionist fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revisionist fiction. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Ok, so it's a very early version and I have already had some ideas on how to make a modern DHIATENSOR keyboard better, but this is the keymap bundle that you can use to turn your modern keyboard into George's Dream.

Right now, its only for MacOS X, but I am looking into the possibility of making this map available for Windows and Linux. Perhaps there will even be an Android version (Apple will not let you change the keyboard)...but I get ahead of myself. 

To install the keymap, drag the bundle file "DHIATENSOR.bundle" (link at the bottom of this screen) to the "/Library/Keyboard Layouts" in either your home folder on on the system library. If you copy the file to just your home folder you will be the only one able to use the layout. If you copy the file to the system Library folder, everyone who uses your computer will have access to the layout. Drag the file to the correct folder and logout (Home folder Library) or restart (system Library).

Login and go to the "Language & Text" pane in "System Preferences" application. Select the "Input Sources" tab. Scroll down to DHIATENSOR (it has a small Blick 5 next to it) and check the box. Close "System Preferences"

In the upper-right-hand side of the screen you will see the flag for your keyboard. Click on that flag and select "DHIATENSOR."

You will now be using the very very proof-of-concept version of a modern DHIATENSOR. I tried it on my Apple aluminum keyboard and it works well. Mrs. Magic Margin's MacBook also seems to function with the layout. Here is a reference illustration:

Please do not use this in any sort of nuclear facility or in a situation where people's lives may be in peril. Neither George nor I want that on our consciences.

The problem with this method is that your keyboard still has the hated, inefficient QWERTY layout. If you have a model M laying around it's easy to switch the keytops around. Other keyboards pose more of a struggle. I have some ideas and I will save them for later. If you can try it, let me know how it works for you.