Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Raquel's Deeper Understanding

This is Raquel's first summer-school typecast. Raquel is a bright young lady who has really taken an interest in the typewriter. Her favorite is a mid-century Quiet De Luxe.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up II: The Temple of Typers

By any measure you can imagine, the Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up II: The Temple of Typers was a success. Attendance was around 20 (more than 3 times as many attended the first Phoenix Type-In) and judging from the smiles and happy faces everyone had a good time. There was a good selection of typewriters to look at. I brought my Royal HH, Silver-Surfer Lettera 22, Blick 7, and a very nice Royal Model O.

My HH served as the Guest Book.

There were Hermes galore, Remingtons, and Coronas. However, typewriters were not the only excitement. Gary Nicholson (of the LA Type-In fame) was there with to colleagues. They are starting work on a documentary on the typewriter in the 21st century. The project is just getting off the ground and they have a large project in mind, but from what I have seen, they are really getting into the heart of the movement.

Bill's Corona 4 with lustrous gold paint. 

Compared to the last PT-I there were many more women in attendance. It's a refreshing thing to see that typewriter love knows no gender line.

Doubtless, you will hear much about the Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up and I'll have more in the very near future, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention the two wonderful donations that the CTP received. One Sears manual (based on the Brother frame) came by way of Ted. The other machine is a Brazilian-made Hermes that Marshall wanted to find a good home. Both typers are in wonderful shape and will be well received in the classroom. These gentlemen will also be honored with a star on the donor list. It can only happen at a type-in: you leave with four and come home with six.

Remington, Corona, Royal, Blickensderfer.

Today is the Typewriter Round-Up!

The 2nd Phoenix Typewriter Round-Up (Type-In) is today at Monti's La Casa Vieja in Tempe. If you are going to be in the Tempe area today, consider dropping by. We already have quite a few local typewriter favorites attending. Grab that typewriter and head down to:

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The Typewriter Round-Up is scheduled from 1 to 3, so stop by and cool down for the afternoon. See some really interesting typewriters. Meet some interesting people. We'll see you there!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Typewriter Crafting: Dirt is an Enemy

If you were to read any instruction manual from the golden age of the typewriter you would find many references to the importance of covering your typewriter. This started me thinking. I have some typewriters that sit out and are completely unprotected. Sure, I want people to see them, but I also want to be able to use them without having to dust them off first.

Covers were once ubiquitous typewriter accessories. Now, they are nearly impossible to find in good condition and made of a material of which my wife would approve. That's why my wife and I made this:

What could be under this cover?

A blue Olympia SM-3!

When I say I helped, I measured machines and cut out the fabric. The actual sewing was done by the missus., but it looked easy enough to do.  I am currently working on a pattern that you can download and make your own. We also have been toying with the idea of selling them, but look for the pattern in the next few days.

In case there were any doubts in your mind as to the importance of covering your machine read this excerpt from the 1950 Federal Work Improvement Program Equipment Maintenance booklet (You can find the booklet in its entirety at this link):