Monday, April 9, 2012

Keeping A Promise

I said that I would post something else about the SG-1 and it's amazing that it's done. It's been a crazy few days, but thinking about typewriters has calmed me down.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Beast of Wilhemshaven

I had yet to post photos of the star of the type-in. This is it in all 45-ish pounds of glory.

I have more to tell about this wonderful typewriter, but before I do that I wanted to whet you appetite. needless to say it centers around a mystery and Sydney G. Finch.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Type-In Leftovers

These were the pages folks were using at the type-in. Some of what is written is meaningful. Some of it is just silliness. Other things are random. It's fun to read none-the-less. Think of these musings as public cooperative poetry.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lux et Veritas

I just got wind of this really great article about the Type-In. Click the title below to be whisked away. Make sure to carriage return!

Typewriter enthusiasts gather for Type-In at Lux in Phoenix

I want to thank Megan Finnerty for such a great article. She really asked some great questions and really portrayed the essence of the Type-In.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Best Type-In Yet!

Phoenix has cacti, hot sun, and one of the most exciting Type-In scenes around. 

The Type-In today was more than a success. I lost count of how many people showed up, instead focusing on circulating and talking to people.

We had reporters from the Arizona Republic and the local NBC affiliate, Channel 12, interviewing, filming, and photographing all the wonderful people who came out for the event.

When it came to machines, boy did we have some interesting ones. There was a Bennett, a Continental, a Swissa (Ted's), and a host of other machines. I brought the script Facit, an SG-1 with 16" inch carriage, and the US Navy Royal Arrow with radio mill typeface.

The staff of Lux were gracious and very kind. We had far more than anticipated, but they took it in great stride. I want to thank Jeff, the owner of Lux for his generosity. Also, Danielle, worked hard to make sure that we had want we needed.

Finally, Bill Walh deserves a big thanks. It was his word-of-mouth and constant Facebook efforts that get so many people there. It was very fun.

Type-In Today!

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Taste of the Type-In

I have been mulling over what three machines to bring to the Type-In. I have narrowed it down and these are the three. However, the pictures of the machines below are just teasers. To see them in their full glory, stop by Lux between 1p and 3p! Oh, by the way, bring a typewriter with you if you can!